What is a briquette? Advantages

mpriketa προσφορά τιμή τζακι

As wood briquettes (briquette) is defined as the result of high compression. The briquette is a 100% natural product since woody biomass is used as raw material and lignin is used as adhesive, which is one of the main components of wood. It is solid and compact and one of its main characteristics is its low moisture content (10%-12%). It also has a small ash residue (1%) which can also be used as a garden fertilizer. One of its most ecological characteristics is the almost absence of smoke when burning. All of the above make the briquette one fully ecological fuel friendly to all consumers.

The spread of briquettes is mainly due to its economic nature. They burn very slowly and burning them has twice as long as wood (log). The price for buying briquettes is much lower than buying oil of the same heating efficiency.mpriketa προσφορά τιμή τζακι

Compared to wood briquettes have a much higher calorific value, as 1 kg of briquettes yields approximately 2 kg of wood and more

The wood briquettes they can be used in conventional and energy fireplaces, barbecue, wood stoves, stoves, boilers, wood-fired bakery ovens, etc. They also excel in terms of storage and transport.

Advantages of briquettes

It is ecological
The solid bonding of the biomass is undertaken by the cellulose contained in the wood, which during the heating and compression of the biomass turns into a very strong adhesive material. This has the effect of ensuring almost zero particulate emissions. Briquettes contribute little to the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) as the amounts of dioxide released into the atmosphere during the burning of biomass are recaptured in the plants themselves to regenerate the biomass. They also help to combat acid rain as they have only 0.08% sulfur content.

It provides security
With the continuous use of briquettes, we completely avoid the case of chimney ignition as solid fuels they do not contain dangerous resins which can adhere to the walls of the chimney causing a fire through ignition. With the use of solid fuels, we have peace of mind about the fire safety of the house as there is no risk of sparking or bursting due to the ensured low moisture (10%-12%)

Stores easily
The briquette is especially recommended where we don't have a lot of storage space. They are distributed packed in 10 kg packages, they do not stain the house and can be stored nicely in any small storage space even next to the fireplace. More specifically, 100 kg of firewood corresponds to 400 kg of normal wood and their total volume is approximately the size of a coffee table. The briquettes are easily transported even in the car without getting dirty since they are packed. In addition, due to their low humidity, we can store them in a warehouse without odor or bugs. All of the above make briquettes an ideal fuel that can replace wood for the fireplace and the wood stove with the best results.

It is economically advantageous
They are proven to be the most economical solution for combustion in fireplaces with or without energy, wood stoves and wood burners. Of course, it would be pointless to compare it with commercial firewood which, apart from other disadvantages, has a much lower calorific value. Here the difference can start from double and reach five times as the firewood is not of constant quality. The wood is about 50% cheaper than briquettes but it is a mistake to think that it is also a more economical fuel, since or briquette it has 60% -70% greater thermal strength than wood compared to one kilogram. Also, a wood boiler system achieves a maximum efficiency of 80%, while with briquettes 88 – 92% (difference + 12%). In addition, if we take into account the humidity factor, biomass products (briquettes) are truly unbeatable. The moisture content in each case is between 8-10% giving stable combustion without sparking and popping. On the contrary, firewood contains in many cases 60% of moisture, which means that the consumer wastes 60% of his money to buy WATER!!


OR ALFA WOOD Neuroscope is the only Greek factory that produces certified wood briquettes excellent quality.


source: biomaza.gr
